Who Are We?
We are the largest lodge under UGLE with in excess of 600 members.”
Why Join Us?
Internet Lodge is your porchway or entrance to a unique experience in Freemasonry. It has members in every continent who have the opportunity to correspond with each other on a daily basis via a closed mailing list. But much more than this you share the experience of that special bond of friendship that exists between members of a Masonic Lodge united in the ideals of Freemasonry universal. We rejoice in our International fellowship devoted to promoting the Crafts main precepts, Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth allied to our special and deeply held belief in freedom, justice and equality; in the peace and harmony that must come from tolerance and understanding, from respect for the culture and beliefs of our fellow creatures.

3rd Saturday in March (Installation) 2nd Saturdays in August and October
Various visits to other lodges at our meetings, and usually an overseas visit each year.