Rose of Lancashire Lodge – 9174

Who Are We?

The lodge was consecrated on the 20th of March in 1986 by 14 Masons, one of whom is still an active member of the lodge.
The lodge has a friendly, welcoming personality with members from all social and ethnic backgrounds. The lodge prides itself on its Masonic ritual and is well known for its engaging ritual performance.

Why Join Us?

The Rose of Lancashire Lodge is a friendly group of like-minded individuals with ages ranging from mid-30s up to mid-80s. We are a lively bunch who pride ourselves on the masonic work we do and our welcoming atmosphere. We have enjoyable social boards after each meeting with wine taking and singing.
We currently have 19 active members coming from all professions ranging from production workers, construction managers, publicans, self-employed company directors to doctors and retirees, all working together with love and harmony that characterises Freemasonry.


We meet every 4th Friday of the month at 6pm in January, February , March, April , May, September, October and November.
Our practice nights are the 2nd Tuesday of each month and the Wednesday preceding the meeting.


We hold three main social events each year to which partners and friends are invited – a Burn’s night supper, an “Old English Night”, and a “Ladies’ Evening”. We usually have a couple of other informal get-togethers each year, notably a summer barbecue and a “Christmas” Curry Night.
Besides supporting Masonic Charities, we support local charities – Willow Wood Hospice, Chester Zoo and the “Denton Knitting Circle” as well as many others have been recipients of our charity in the past.



Stanley House Function Rooms
Manchester Rd, Manchester M34 5GB
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