On Sunday 17th September over 500 Freemasons, friends and family attended a service celebrating the Tercentenary of the United Grand Lodge of England at Manchester Cathedral.
In such an atmospheric building as the old medieval parish Church of Manchester, it was fitting to hold such an historic event as the celebration of 300 years of Freemasonry in England. Led by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, the procession of Masonic dignitaries entered the packed Cathedral for what would be a fantastic occasion.
The service encompassed everything that Freemasonry is all about; openness, multi-faith and multiculturalism, bound together by a common interest. The congregation received readings in Hebrew and English, and heartfelt prayers delivered by Brethren of the province.

View the Sermons HERE

During the service, there was a collection for the mission and aims of the Cathedral which was subsequently blessed by a Cathedral Canon.
The Provincial Grand Master and Brethren of the Masonic Province of East Lancashire would like to thank The Dean And Chapter Of Manchester Cathedral of allowing this Tercentenary Celebration to be held in the Cathedral.