The Brethren of the Manchester Level Club (MLC) with a mutual passion for the Craft, met last Friday 22nd of March at Manchester Hall to elect the new team of officers for the year.

This MLC aims to encourage new Masons who are about to go on the ladder of their respective lodges to get together for learning sessions in the various offices of the lodge ladder to become better Freemasons.


The Brethren who have attended acclaimed the successes of the past year under their outgoing chairman Bro Hiten Patel who has pushed the MLC to a new level: in the past few years. He stated that he will always be proud of the MLC and of what has been achieved together. He said, “It was a great honour to be your chairman and will always be a key point in my life”.

Hiten Patel outgoing chairman MLC

Hiten Patel – Outgoing Chairman MLC

The MLC brings newer Brethren from Lodges that convene at different dates and times across Manchester to a commonplace.
The club is a great place to meet and socialize with fellow masons who have yet to go through the Chair of their respective lodges. More importantly, it allows learning more about the ritual, why it is done, and the meaning and relevance behind it. It also brings together one of the most valuable parts of Freemasonry in the friendships that you build along the way.

Bro Aaron Garner from Maccabee Lodge 8947 was elected Chairman: He said “Thank you so much to each one of you who believed in me to give me this opportunity. My focus for our team is Involvement, giving options and opportunities for Light Blues to see the diversity of activities with Freemasonry. Learning sessions and explanation of the different degrees, from Tracing Boards to Ashlar, to the tools and much more”.

Aaron Garner – MLC Chairman

The team appointed by Chairman Bro Garner for the next 12 months is as follows:

Deputy Chairman Bro Francesco Toto,
Secretary Bro David Mills,
Treasurer Bro Carlos Pasay,
Head of Fundraising & Events WBro Tom DanielsFundraising
Events Bro Elliot Jervis
Webmaster and Comms Manager Bro Nick Druce,
Social Media Communication Manager Bro Andy Robson.

Story by Bro Francesco Toto