Monday 3 September 2018 saw Manchester District’s Annual Broken Column Dinner held again at Manchester Hall and an opportunity for Manchester’s Lodges & Chapters to host their Masonic Widows at a gala dinner.
The evening began with a drinks reception in the Goulburn Lodge Room; allowing all the guests to mingle and chat with friends, old and new. Once all of the guests were seated in the Goulburn Dining Room for Dinner, WBro Chris Prax, City Sykes District Chairman, welcomed everyone to this year’s event. Following the delicious three course meal, the Houghton Weavers were on hand to provide the evening’s entertainment. Their mixture of jokes, fun, folk music and more modern hits had the entire audience singing along and laughing throughout.

To round the night off, WBro David Basger, Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, gave the toast to the ladies and WBro David Hudson, City Derby District Chairman, gave the farewell address.
Having wished them on their way, we hope they will look forward to joining us again next year. The event will be held on Monday 2 September 2019 and further information will be distributed closer to the time.

Article by Chris Armstrong