Dispensation to serve as Master of two Lodges at the same time

A Dispensation is required for a Brother to:

– Simultaneously hold the office of Master in more than one Lodge (Craft: Rule 115).

Note: A Dispensation is required for a Brother to simultaneously hold the office of Master in more than one Lodge (Craft: Rule 115). This dispensation is issued by UGLE; please submit cheque payment made out to ‘United Grand Lodge’ for the current UGLE fee, which can be found here, to the Provincial Office.

    Your Details

    Your Lodge Details

    Dispensation Requirements

    Details of Installation Meeting

    Details of Master Elect

    Current office in Lodge

    [textarea explanation placeholder"Explanation (if "Other" selected - above)"]

    Details of anticipated Master Elect's other Lodge

    Details of the other Lodge's Secretary

    Additional Information (If any)
