Saturday 21st of August saw the Blackburn Masons gather in person for their annual AGM. This also gave the chance for the Brethren to have a good look at the work that has gone on over the last 18 months to make the facility Covid-19 safe and to improve the fabric of the building both inside and out. Hall Chairman Phil Beaumont and his wife Susan have done an incredible amount of work together and they have been supported at times along the way by Peter Book. The fruits of their labours were there for all to see.

The Festive Board Room has had a complete makeover and the new arrangement of tables really makes for a super venue for meetings both large and small. The major change to the Masonic side of things is the creation of the permanent Royal Arch Chapter Room, a very positive addition to the already spectacular Lodge Rooms.

The Brethren enjoyed a wonderful return meal of French onion soup followed by steak pie and chips, what a great way to celebrate the start of the new Masonic year after such a long time of online contact only. A collection was raised during the meal, which Phil thanked the Brethren for, and as soon as it is counted, the money will be going straight to the ELMC. Our APGM Alan Kirwillian was also delighted to welcome back the Brethren, and remarked how nice it was to see everyone in person again.

The rooms were filled with laughter and chatter after being silent for so long. We truly are #TogetherAgainEastLancs.

Article and Images: East Ribble District Team