Southern Area Carol Service

Southern Area Carol Service

           As has become a cherished tradition on the first Sunday in December, freemasons from the Southern area gathered to hold their annual Carol service. This year, the event was hosted at the Audenshaw Masonic Hall, a venue well-suited to such a significant...

A Night to Remember: The Tie and Tinsel Dinner 2024

A Night to Remember: The Tie and Tinsel Dinner 2024

The grand Cloister Suite of the Holiday Inn, Bolton, was unrecognisable. Twinkling fairy lights draped across the ceilings, glittering centrepieces adorned every table, and a warm hum of excitement filled the air. The annual Tie and Tinsel Dinner was a festive gala...

Provincial promotions at Solidarity Lodge 7885

Provincial promotions at Solidarity Lodge 7885

At the regular Lodge meeting on Thursday 28 November the WM, Bro Gerry Hill, congratulated the members of the Lodge who had been promoted at Provincial Grand Lodge ten days before. Unusually the two Sharp brothers were promoted on the same day to the same rank that of...

Raising the bar for Bro Gee

Raising the bar for Bro Gee

Every once in a while we get the pleasure to see a sibling or a son join a lodge and progress through their degrees, but on rare occasions we get see 3 generations in the same lodge. On 20 September 2024, at Denton Lodge 5234 in the Southern Area of East Lancashire,...

Official Visit to Waverley Lodge 1322

Official Visit to Waverley Lodge 1322

The Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro Wesley Marchant PJGD, accompanied by a Southern Area Delegation, was admitted to Waverley Lodge on Thursday, 24th September. This was his first official visit since his recent appointment. The primary focus of the evening...

A Visit to Hiram Lodge No.12 in Prague

On Thursday 24th October 2024, a delegation of six Brethren from East Lancashire visited Hiram Lodge No.12 in Prague. Where they witnessed a triple passing of three Brethren. Hiram Lodge No.12, is the only English speaking lodge within Prague and they work Emulation...

Crompton Lodge 8879 Installation

Crompton Lodge 8879 Installation

As the Eastern Area Communications Officer I have the pleasurable task to write up an article of the installation of Master Elect, of Crompton Lodge 8879 which took place on 23 October 2024. What makes this different to your usual article, is that it was my own...

WBro Thornton – Personal 50th Celebration

WBro Thornton – Personal 50th Celebration

On 14 October 2024, at Rochdale Masonic Hall a special meeting was to be held by Rochdale District Installed Masters 9211. WBro John Curry PAGDC Assistant Provincial Grand Master, accompanied by an Area Delegation, accepted the gavel from the Worshipful Master to lead...

Ben Brierley 3317 Installation

Ben Brierley 3317 Installation

On 12 October 2024 at Ben Brierley Lodge 3317, Master Elect, Bro Willis was installed in to the chair of King Solomon.   Representative: WBro Rhodes PSGD