Freemasons from Harmony Lodge 298 in Rochdale recently held a fantastic social event, raising much needed funds for Springhill Hospice.

Their Lancashire Night was attended by nearly 150 Freemasons, friends and family and raised an incredible £1850 to support the amazing work at Springhill Hospice.

Attendees were entertained through the night by Folk Duo Norman Prince and Paul Johnson with proper Lancashire songs, Lancashire humour and Lancashire food – good old Pie and Pea suppers all round!

Following the event, members of Harmony Lodge visited Springhill Hospice and met with Sam Wells, Chief Executive to make the donation and find out more about the fantastic work they do in the community.

Sam said “Freemasons in Rochdale have been long term supporters of our work and I am pleased to accept this latest donation which will help us continue to provide care to those in our community that need it”.