The Assistant Grand Master, Worshipful Master, Provincial Grand Master, Chairman of the Universities Scheme and three new initiates
On 1st December 2016, Old Mancunians with Mount Sinai Lodge No 3140, a member of the Universities Scheme, was delighted to welcome to its Regular Meeting RWBro Sir David Wootton AGM and WBro C Edward Lord JGD, the President and Chairman, respectively, of the Universities Scheme.
After the Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed, the ProvGDC WBro John Griffin PAGDC advised that the PGM, RWBro Sir David Trippier together with a Provincial Deputation demanded admission. The PGM, the Dep PGM, Derek Nelson Thornhill PGSwdB, WBro Chris Welton APGM PSGD and other Grand Officers were admitted followed shortly thereafter by the AGM, RWBro Sir David Wootton accompanied by the DepGDC WBro Richard Pemberton. All were warmly welcomed into the Lodge by the very many brethren and visitors in attendance.
RWBro Wootton, RWBro Trippier and WBro Lord were balloted for and approved as Honorary Members of the Lodge. At the same time 5 candidates were proposed for initiation.
The WM presented a cheque for £500 in favour of the ELMC to the PGM which was received with thanks.
Three new members were initiated at the meeting, Bro Mutasim El-Khidir, Bro Cameron Ross Bell and Bro Constantinos Campanellas. Both the AGM and the PGM assisted in the ceremony, an honour not received by many and much enjoyed by the initiates and brethren.
At the 1st Rising, the AGM gave a short talk about the Universities Scheme which was followed by WBro Lord who gave a more detailed report. He thanked the Lodge for everything it does and has done for the Universities Scheme since 2006. The Scheme now has 72 Lodges, 13 Royal Arch Chapters. After 10 years, 741 Brethren have been initiated and the retention rate is 70%. The 73rd Lodge is joining the scheme on 5 December and this is an Installed Masters Lodge. He also praised WBro Paul Rose and WBro Henry Bentwood for their leadership of the Scheme in this Province.
AGM, PGM and all attendees at the meeting
The Brethren enjoyed a very friendly and convivial Festive Board.
Sir David Wootton thanked everyone for their very warm greetings and welcome he had received. He was delighted to attend this very fine example of the Universities Scheme in operation.
Sir David Trippier regaled us all with a warm and humorous address. He was particularly “hard” on the AGM as one Lancastrian to a Yorkshireman would be.
WBro Philip Kandel, the Lodge Mentor, addressed the Brethren and after thanking WBro Henry Bentwood for his many years of hard work and drive, he toasted the newly initiated Brethren.
WBro Paul Rose made a presentation from the Lodge to Henry Bentwood as a token of the Lodge’s appreciation for all his efforts on behalf of the Lodge.
Also, during the Festive Board, the ceremony of the Universities Scheme Travelling Loving Cup, the DKW Cup, was explained by Paul Rose and the Cup was then formally passed round the Lodge for each of the Brethren to drink from it. The Cup was then claimed and presented to University Lodge of Chester No.4477.
More information about the Loving Cup can be found here
The AGM, WM, IPM and WBro Paul Rose
Loving Cup presentation