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On the 5th October 2023 our Provincial Grand Master Robert I Frankl descended on the Old Salfordians Installation meeting with a large retinue ably corralled by the Provincial Director of Ceremonies John Curry. All those present bore witness to an excellent Installation ceremony conducted in the first part by Past Master Les Newbigging taking the Chair. Bro Brian Shorten was placed in the Chair of King Solomon in the time honoured tradition by Les who then proceeded to conduct the second part, the declarations and appointment of Officers, now as the DC.

Rising to offer his greeting to WBro Brian Shorten the Provincial Grand Master congratulated all who played a part in the proceedings. The Provincial Grand Master then apologised to the Worshipful Master, stating that he was not there particularly to see him placed in the Chair but was in fact, attending to honour one of Old Salfordians revered sons, Peter Hegarty.

Peter Hegarty was appointed to the office of Provincial Junior Warden in 2019 and this was the first opportunity for the Provincial Grand Master to visit Peters Lodge and offer his gratitude, the delay being due to the Covid-19 pandemic and other Provincial Grand Lodge changes such as Robert Frankls appointment as Provincial Grand Master.

The Provincial Grand Master noted that an appointment to the position of acting Warden of the Province is the highest he is allowed to make however, even as it was his predecessor that appointed Peter, the Provincial Grand Master stated his admiration for the way in which Peter conducted himself during his tenure. He went on to say he had made the job of appointing Peter as one of his Assistants in 2022 all the easier and more pleasurable.

More nice words were spoken of Peter and his dedication to the cause by the Provincial Grand Master who called for him to stand and accept the loud and lengthy acclamation of the assembled Brethren.

A thoroughly enjoyable Feast of St John later sealed a most memorable evening for WBro Brian John Shorten, Master of Old Salfordians Lodge No. 7968.