On Thursday the 27th of September, District Team Members  paid a visit to the Lodge of Remembrance No.3787 to make a surprise presentation to WBro Alun Davies PProvJGW.
The Lodge DC WBro Jack Aston PProvGSwdB, was asked to bring WBro Davies to the WM’s pedestal, where the District Chairman WBro Dave McGurty PProvGSwdB presented him with an engraved decanter on behalf of the District. This was in recognition of his three and a half years service as a Royal Arch District Officer.
Whilst Alun was momentarily speechless, WBro Nick Bellas ProvGStwd RADO, took this rare opportunity to also present him with a bottle of Penderyn Legend Single malt whisky, a gift from his fellow Team Members and a nod to WBro Davies’ motherland.
Not to forget Mrs Davies, who has supported Alun’s efforts during his time in Office, WBro Brian Carter PAGDC presented a bouquet from the District Team to take home to Christine.
Top: The District Chairman WBro Dave McGurty & WBro Alun Davies
Bottom: WBro McGurty & Davies with the WM of 3787 WBro Ken Fawcett

Article and Photos: East Ribble District Team