Approximately 70 East Ribble District Brethren, dining at a very full dinner after Provincial Grand Lodge on Thursday the 15th of November, took the opportunity to present their outgoing Assistant Provincial Grand Master, and new Deputy Provincial Grand Master WBro John Farrington, with an engraved decanter from the District to thank him for his fantastic support during the last three and a half years.
The District Brethren assembled at the bottom of the Windsor Suite stairs for what WBro Farrington thought was just a photograph, along with his now predecessor, VWBro Derek Thornhill and the new Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the area WBro Alan Kirwilliam.
Photos having been taken, the District Chairman WBro Dave McGurty presented a very surprised WBro Farrington with his decanter, before inviting his own predecessor WBro David Lightbown to present John with a bottle of Masons Dry Yorkshire Gin on behalf of the District Team.
Finally, The Deputy Chairman WBro Russell Harwood gave a bouquet of flowers to John for Mrs Christine Farrington, a small token of thanks for her support to John and the District over the last few years.
WBro Farrington addressed the Brethren, stating that it had been a delight  to serve the District over the last three and a half years and that he knew that they would all give WBro Alan Kirwilliam the same reception and support that he had received during his time as the Assistant Provincial Grand Master. He also added his thanks for the gifts, especially the flowers, which he intimated he may not tell Christine that they came from the District but himself instead, he did however promise to share the Gin with her!
Receiving a loud cheer and round of applause, John returned to his seat at Dinner and his new role as our Deputy Provincial Grand Master. He goes with our full support and very best wishes.

Article and images: East Ribble District Team