Wednesday 14th December 2016 was the evening of the  Installation at Prince Edwin’s Lodge 128
Now Prince Edwin is No. 128, it’s a grand old lodge. The date of their Charter is 1771 and the members of this lodge are distinguished to say the least. They were joined by an oppressive, sorry, impressive amount of Grand Lodge Officers. The PGM was represented by the one and only WBro Peter Faulkner, PAGDC, who was accompanied by the Bury District Chairman, WBro Steve Barton, PProvSGW. Several Worshipful Masters from the Bury District were present as were many other visitors.
WBro John Raymond Spinks led the installation of Bro Nicholas John Bebb. A full installation of a new Worshipful Master is always a cracking ceremony to witness. The assisting officers of the lodge did a cracking job in supporting the installing Worshipful Master. A lot of work had clearly been put into this and I have to say in its whole it was serious, solemn with a touch of humour when appropriate. The Director of Ceremonies, WBro Christopher R. Jupp, PProvDepGDC, must be commended for his running of the evening.
The social board was lively and as ever with Prince Edwin, friendly. It was a joy to behold. The Lodge donated a £1000 to charities including £600 to the ELMC.
The evening was a real lesson in the benefits of visiting. I’m sure I speak for all present when I say, ‘thank you chaps for a great evening’.
If you can, please support all our districts lodges and chapters by visiting them, meet new brothers, catch up with old friends and most importantly enjoy.