The appointment to Acting Provincial Junior or Senior Grand Warden is the highest tribute that can be imparted to a Brother by the Provincial Grand Master, and in a Province as large as East Lancashire it is an honour indeed.
The past and present Acting Wardens get together once a year at the Wardens’ Mess, at Manchester Hall. This annual event was arranged this week by the immediate past Wardens, WBros Terry Kakouillis, PProvJGW, and David Hudson, PProvSGW. The magnificent 6-course banquet was held in the Goulburn Lodge Room, and presided over by the newly elected President, Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VWBro Nolan Morrison, PProvSGW (1979).

WBros David Hudson, PProvSGW, and Terry Kakouillis, PProvJGW.
The current Wardens, WBros Joe Glass, ProvSGW, and Mo Afsa, ProvJGW, enjoyed the evening in very special company, and join a group of talented and committed Freemasons who serve and have served the Province in so many capacities. Joe Glass had the pleasure of proposing a toast to the health of their honoured guest, Chad Northcott, Assistant Provincial Grand Master and Veterinary Surgeon.
WBros Joe Glass, ProvSGW, and Mo Afsa, ProvJG
Chad’s response included a presentation entitled, “All Masons Great and Small”, which included tales of humour and imagery covering almost 30 years of Freemasonry in East Lancashire, incorporating veterinary tales that James Herriot would have been proud of. Many of the Wardens were surprised to see many photographs of their younger selves, weaved into a tale of intrigue and amusing entertainment.
The Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier, was also invited, and appreciated the opportunity to have a rare night off with some of the ‘cream’ of the Province, although he also found himself appearing several times during the presentation.