When WBro Gordon Cornthwaite of Rhyddings Lodge No. 5205 and his wife Jean recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at the Adelaide Suite of the Accrington Masonic Hall, they asked their 130 guests to donate to the Rosemere Cancer Foundation’s 20 Years Anniversary Appeal in leu of any gifts or a raffle prize for a fundraising draw.

Many of their guests proved to be very generous and donated to both! A number of local businesses also supported the raffle and Gordon and his wife raised £3250 on the night, an amazing sum.
Jean, who met Gordon at a dance at Accrington Con Club, has twice been a patient at their Specialist Cancer Treatment Centre at The Royal Preston Hospital. Jean said ‘I am a cancer survivor and supporting the cancer centre’s work makes sense to us as when you’ve been married 50 years, you have everything you really need’
Rosemere Cancer Foundation’s 20 Years Anniversary Appeal has a target of £1.5m to fund a trio of groundbreaking projects. The generosity of Gordon and Jean and their friends and supporters have made a very positive impact on that total.