Pictured left to right: WBro David Lightbown PAGDC District Chairman, WBro Mo Afsa and WBro Chad Northcott PSGD APGM (Salford)

The East Ribble District Meeting on the 24th February held at Mill House Clayton-le-Moors saw the first viewing of the presentation addressing recruitment and retention.
WBro Mo Afsa the Provincial Membership Officer addressed the meeting with a very thorough and informative presentation on recruitment & membership.
WBro Afsa highlighted some of the reasons for the decline in Masonic membership over the previous years and then went on to explain various steps which would aid the initiative to attract new members to join us.
The main points were explained as a series of building blocks each with various avenues to explore on an individual, Lodge, Masonic Hall, District & Provincial basis.
Some of the points being:

Open & honest with friends & colleagues about our membership.
Masonic presence at Public events ( galas, Shows etc)
More use of social media.
Volunteering in the community.
Tell people what we do but maintain our allegories.

There was a great deal more detail in the presentation these are the main points only.
The Presentation was well received and stimulated quite a few questions which were answered by both WBro Afsa & WBro Northcott.