On 5th April WBro Mo Afsa, the newly appointed Provincial Membership Officer, gave a presentation to the Manchester Area Cabinet on the subject of Building Recruitment. The presentation built on the research commissioned by UGLE and the results of that research is driving this project.
The message given is that recruitment needs to be tailored in a number of ways. Freemasonry has to build on community relationships, speak to those who are interested and expand on our well established charitable commitments and activities. We need to have an understanding of what potential members want and need to know. We need to reach out and use all our resources to further engagements with non-masons. Our message is that Freemasonry is “friendly, fun, social and benevolent”.
“We need to attract, inform and inspire”; showcasing Freemasonry locally, Provincially and Nationally. We are a diverse organisation, welcoming to all, with a magnificent and long heritage, family friendly with exceptionally strong links to all sections of the community.
Our communications must be tailored, identifying and explaining our message with current examples. Utilisation of all social media channels increases our profile and helps give fresh and relevant messages to our target audience. We must celebrate good news stories but be clear and learn from experiences, good or bad.
Freemasonry knows what it wants to do and where it wants to go. “Let’s make it happen”.
The Area Cabinet was enthused by the excellent presentation and a lively and interesting question and answer session followed.