An Explanation for the Third Degree Ceremony

 given by members of the

Provincial Learning and Development Committee.

Wednesday 29th May, 2019
Worshipful Master WBro. Stephen J Bullen PProSGD,  PProvSGD

WBro Stephen Bullen, Worshipful Master, and the Brethren of Roch Valley Lodge were pleased to welcome WBro Peter Rhodes APGM, WBro Joe Glass Provincial Grand Mentor and 3 members of the Provincial Learning and Development Team, namely: – WBro Tony Costello, WBro Harold Cooper and  WBro Elliott Moss, who were to present the evening’s lecture.
The Team enlisted the support of Bro Daniel Nuttall to take the part of the candidate and then gave a very interesting explanation of the Third Degree Ceremony.  Those present were treated not only to an interesting explanation of the ceremony but also learned “why we do what we do” when conducting a ceremony.
At the end of the presentation WBro Bullen thanked WBro Glass and his team for both entertaining and educating those present and wished them well when they present the lecture to other Lodges in the Province.

Report by WBro. Peter Rhodes APGM – Photo by WBro Ken Rowlatt