Back Row L – R: WBro Chris Hajikakou, WBro Bill Aston, Deputy Superintendent IOM, WBro Shaun Higson, PProvDepGReg,
WBro Kevin Horne, PAGDC, WBro Brian Horne, PGADC, WBro David Greenhalgh, PProvDepGReg.
Front Row L – R: PGM of the Province of County Down RWBro Roger Matthews,
MWBro Douglas Grey, Grand Master of Ireland and WBro Jim Sutcliffe PAPGM

East Lancashire Masons together with the Deputy Superintendent of the IOM, WBro Bill Aston, attended the Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting of County Down at the Le Mons Hotel in Belfast on the 30th January.

WBro David Greenhalgh, PProvDepGReg  (a personal friend of the PGM of the Province of County Down, VWBro Roger Matthews)  traveled to the meeting in the company of East Lancs masons  – WBro Jim Sutcliffe, PAPGM, WBro Brian Horne, PGADC, WBro Kevin Horne, PAGDC, WBro Shaun Higson, PProvDepGReg  and WBro Chris Hajikakou.

After the Masonic meeting the visiting party was entertained as ‘personal guests’ of the PGM at a dinner in the evening.

The following day the group had the opportunity of visiting the Titanic Museum and took afternoon tea in the reconstructed Titanic dining room.

The event turned out to be a very enjoyable one which cemented the relationship which already exists between the Province of East Lancashire and the Province of County Down.