In March, Rochdale Moorland Children`s Home received a grant from the ELMC Grant making committee, for the sum of £200 to purchase an Air Fryer for the home. The grant was applied for by the members of Langley Lodge No3989, with the help of the Eastern Area Assistant Charity Steward.

Rochdale Children`s Home operates between March and September, it is a non-profit making charity and is free to users however they do encourage and accept donations and contributions from those that use the service. The charity has two distant functions in providing services and facilities for school children during term time and also for children that are referred to them by the children`s social care, School`s and local community groups.

Local school`s make requests and book the facilities of the home, and children stay at the home between Monday and Friday, These visit can be split between day or overnight stays or even a combination of both. Rochdale Children’s home can accommodate up to 30 people on a daily basis and 18 people overnight using there dormitories.

On 12 April 2024, members of Langley Lodge 3989, along with the Eastern Area Assistant Charity Steward, Russ Perks, visited Rochdale Moorland Children`s Home to present a cheque to Alison Starrs, the manager of the home. We was given a tour of the facilities and also told about the history of the building and how long the children homes has offered it services and what it hope to do in the future. Alison also said how grateful they are to the ELMC, and to all the people that made it happen and how it will also help they Children to eat healthy and also teach children who are visiting on life skills breaks to cook and eat healthy.

Also during the Visit we was shown the children home barn which has been converted in to a games and social room where they can play table football and also table tennis. During this point of the visit the Worshipful Master took on the Charity Steward in a game of table football, a wonderful visit had by all to a well worthy cause.