Worshipful Master – WBro B.J.Gilman PProvJGW

On Thursday 29th September, Roclyffe Lodge No 5198 was pleased to receive The Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Peter Hewitt, PSGD, accompanied by a District Deputation.

This was a very special occasion for the Lodge as it was to celebrate and mark the 50th Anniversary in Freemasonry of Bro Neil Aked who had been initiated into the Lodge on the 28th September 1966.

The proceedings were commenced with the Lodge Secretary, WBro Alan Butterworth reading a short extract from the Lodge Minute Book for the 26th Sept 1966.  WBro Hewitt then continued by giving the Lodge an explanation of what life was like in the year 1966. Many of the anecdotes discussed proved to be very amusing for both the younger and older members of the Lodge. WBro Hewitt went on to describe how Bro Aked had moved around the country in the employment of firstly Martin’s Bank and then later Barclays.  After a posting to Kendal in 1970 he was transferred to the West Country in 1984 where he settled until his retirement in 1994.

Despite his career requiring him to relocate on numerous occasions, Bro Aked never lost contact with Freemasonry.  He joined Lodges in both Kendal and the West Country but he never forgot his roots and throughout remained in contact with his mother lodge Roclyffe Lodge No.5198.

The celebration was brought to a close by WBro Hewitt presenting Bro Aked with an Illuminated Certificate and reading out a personal letter of congratulations from the RW Provincial Grand Master.
