On Thursday 6thDecember the Prince of Wales Lodge No. 1012 celebrated the Golden Jubilee of a very special member of the lodge.
RWBro Paul Rink, OBE,PProvGM, having been initiated into the lodge in 1968, is one of the most iconic members of the fraternity in East Lancashire and Thursday evening was certainly a night to remember.

WBro John Griffin, PSGD, AProvGM and the current Worshipful Master of Prince of Wales Lodge No 1012, offered the gavel to the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Sir David Trippier, RD, JP, DL, once he and a Provincial Deputation had entered, the Provincial Grand Mastertook the ‘chair’ and conducted the celebration for RWBro Rink.
The Lodge room was full to capacity, with senior members from this and visiting Provinces, including the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, WBro John Farrington, PSGD and the PGM from Cheshire, RWBro Stephen Blank. It is fair to say that the Lodge Room was full of Gold Collars, a real mark of the man of the moment.
The Provincial Grand Master delivered a fitting tribute to RWBro Paul Rink, in a very personal, in depth, and moving manor. It was clear that they had both known each other outside of Freemasonry, as well as in it, and that they had formed a real bond of friendship together.
The Golden Jubilee Illuminated Certificate was read out by the Provincial Grand Secretary, WBro Martin Roche PSGD, PAProvGM, before being presented by Sir David Trippier himself, along with a personal letter.

WBro Steve Barton, Bury District Chairman, presented RWBro Rink with aspecial 50th Anniversary lapel badge, on behalf of the District.
RWBro Rink was then escorted around the lodge, by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro Simon Archer, to the acclamation of the brethren.
The Worshipful Master then presented the Provincial Grand Masterwith a cheque, on behalf of the members of the lodge, to the ELMC for £5,012 to mark the occasion.
The deputation retired and the Worshipful Master concluded the lodge business.
The social board was a very happy and joyous occasion; the dining room was full to capacity with a most fabulous atmosphere.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, responded after toast number five and delivered another tribute to RWBro Rink, although this time there was a certain amount of ‘banter’.
The formal toast to RWBro Rink’s health was proposed by WBro John Holt, PJGD, in a very personal manner and was received with warmth.
RWBro Paul Rink responded in a suitable manner, at the conclusion of which he received a standing ovation by all present.
A fantastic evening was had by all, certainly one which Prince of Wales lodge can be justly proud of for many years to come.