On Sunday 22nd May, over 60 people gathered at Accrington Masonic Hall for the annual Summer a Draw. This event, previously held at Mill House at the Summer BBQ, once again proved to be a popular occasion. The assembled were treat to one of Barbara’s excellent buffets with more than enough food for everyone. Entertainment was provided by Bro Chris May who played the organ during before and during the meal. After last minute ticket selling by Wbro Stubbs and Wbro Johnson, Wbro Tom Pearson entertained everyone with some of his Lancashire dialect monologues. He concluded his spot with a song written in the 1930’s extolling the virtues of Pendle and the Ribble Valley.

Throughout the afternoon, brains were wracked as each table attempted to answer the very trying questions on the quiz composed by WBro Johnson. The winning table was rewarded with a couple of boxes of chocolates. A well deserved prize!
The main event was to draw the Summer Raffle. Before drawing the tickets, WBro Lightbown the District Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and for all of those involved in organising the day. He then proceeded to draw the first prize of £150 which was promptly won by District Charity Steward WBro Mike Stubbs of Rhyddings Lodge No. 5205! The second prize of £75 was won by WBro Ed Leech of Prosperity Lodge No. 5206. Around 30 prizes were drawn overall.
WBro Lightbown’s parting words were final thanks, and to announce that the raffle had raised the excellent sum of £1500

UPDATE: Full list of prize winners HERE

