A Darwen Senior Social Club which meets on Monday afternoons at the Old Function Rooms in Darwen, has been set up by Maxine Walsh for locals who suffer from a range of age related illness including Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s, strokes and even just people who are otherwise socially isolated.
The club provides lunch and entertainment which includes; singers, bingo, quizzes, karaoke along with looking at old photos provided by Darwen Days.  There are now four wheelchair users who attend the club and a ramp had needed to be borrowed from a local church, which although was very much appreciated, was not entirely secure and it was also very steep.
The Senior Social Club had already raised £200 towards the cost of a ramp, when they asked East Ribble District Charity Stewards if they could get them over the line with some additional funding, which we were happy to do.  The Charity Stewards agreed to donate £250 towards the ramp which has allowed the Club to reach their target and provide appropriate support with their members ramp needs.

Article and images: East Ribble District Team