Scottish Rite 3rd Degree Ceremony Demonstration

Scottish Rite 3rd Degree Ceremony Demonstration

In a rare event, Lodge of Dumfries Kilwinning 53 ventured south to wow the Brethren and visitors of Antiquity 146 to demonstrate, in their own stylish manner, the 3rd degree ceremony. To say it was brilliant is an understatement. With all the poise and skill of a...
Antiquity 146 Installation

Antiquity 146 Installation

Another day, another superbly attended Installation! They come thick and fast this time of year. The Brethen and visitors to Antiquity Lodge 146 saw first time Worshipful Master Jason Bond installed in the Chair. An excellent night was had by all including the...
Lodge of Antiquity 146, Festival of St John – January 13 2016

Lodge of Antiquity 146, Festival of St John – January 13 2016

WBro Norman Cope APGM, with Worshipful Master, Bro Darren J. Allardyce A very vibrant and enjoyable evening was had by all. The Master Elect was installed into the chair of King Solomon by his proposer into Freemasonry, WBro Stan Bibby. The Social Board was enjoyed by...