Talking Heads Presentation:
The Next Step – In to the Royal Arch:
Borough and Ashlar Lodge No 4858:
On Wednesday 3rd May 2017, Borough and Ashlar Lodge No 4858, in the Burnley and Pendle District, hosted a Provincial Team who were to present “Talking Heads – The Next Step – In to the Royal Arch”. A Provincial Deputation attended including the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VWBro Derek N Thornhill, PGSwdB, EComp Paul M A Rose, PSGD, the Deputy Grand Superintendent and WBro John R Farrington, PSGD, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Northern Area, along with a number of District Officers and Provincial Grand Officers of the Year.
With almost Seventy Brethren in attendance the Lodge room was buzzing with anticipation.

The Members of Borough and Ashlar Lodge with the Presentation Team, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
The Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master, Bro Edward V. Thorne, and following the preliminary work of the Lodge, a report was received and the Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro Andrew Taylor, was admitted. The Provincial Assistant Director of Ceremonies announced that the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VWBro Derek Nelson Thornhill, PGSwdB, accompanied by a Provincial Deputation, was without and that he demanded admission.

The Worshipful Master with the Provincial Delegation
VWBro Thornhill and the delegation of Grand and Provincial Officers were admitted. The Worshipful Master then offered the Gavel to VWBro Thornhill who said it was an honour and a pleasure to be present. He remarked that it wasn’t the first time he had been offered the gavel in this Lodge, but on this occasion he thought it safer in the hands of the Worshipful Master.
Salutations were given. VWBro Thornhill thanked all present for their kind salutations and hoped all would have an enjoyable evening, going on to say that whilst this wasn’t a “formal” Provincial occasion he wanted to come along and support it.
VWBro Thornhill then introduced those in the Deputation – WBro John R Farrington APGM, WBro/EComp Paul M A Rose, Deputy Grand Superintendent for the Province of East Lancashire, EComp Brian Carter The APGP for the Northern Area, District Chairmen, WBro Paul Thornton PAGDC and David Lightbown, PAGDC, Deputy District Chairmen, WBro Dave McGurty, PProvGSwdB, WBro Bob Allen, PProvGSuptWks, EComp Leonard Hayes, PGStB and WBro Andrew Taylor APGDC.
EComp Leonard Hayes thanked the Worshipful Master for allowing the Team to make the presentation and advised that it was the first in the Province; he then presented the members of the team; WBro Steve Thompson, WBro Jon Berg, WBro Tony Freemont, WBro Chris Cunliffe and himself as narrator.
There followed a most enlightening and informative presentation which covered the history of the Royal Arch, how it relates to Craft Freemasonry, the qualifications needed for membership, even down to the costs and time commitments required by a Companion. This of course stimulated several questions which were answered by EComp Paul M A Rose, VWBro Derek N Thornhill and EComp Brian Carter. The Brethren present showed their appreciation in the usual manner.

Members of the Presentation Team
The APGDC asked VWBro Thornhill if he wish to retire accompanied by WBro Farrington and the Grand and Provincial Officers. VWBro Thornhill having given his assent, a retiral procession was formed and these esteemed Brethren retired to the acclaim of those present.
At the conclusion of the business the Lodge was closed in Peace and Harmony by the Worshipful Master.
Almost all present at the meeting attended the Social Board and the predominant topic of conversation was, of course, the presentation just witnessed
The usual toasts were proposed and duly honoured with both the Senior and Junior Wardens remarking on how good it was to see people whose names appear on the toast list, actually at the festive board. Given that the Holy Royal Arch was the focus of the evening WBro Paul Rose was invited by the Deputy Provincial Grand master to respond to Toast No 5.
All departed having enjoyed a superb meal, having shared good company and having made their daily advancement in Masonic knowledge.
The Northern Area is indebted to the Worshipful Master and Brethren of Borough and Ashlar Lodge No 4858, for acting as the Host Lodge on this occasion.