TEAM RISE and the ELMC Benefit from Roses Lodge 5140 fundraising event:

L to R. Roses Lodge members John Wilkinson, Tahir Mahmood, Na’eem Khawaja, Ivor Emo and Paul Roberts with TEAM RISE Coordinator, Sharon Lees.

The members of Roses Lodge 5140 have, for many years, during the recess, come together for a Curry Night. This year, at the suggestion of two of the Lodges newer members, Bro’s Na’eem Khawaja and Tahir Mahmood, it was opened up to anyone who wished to attend.
Hosted by the owner, Mr Sadar Uddin, at his at multi award winning Usha Restaurant in Burnley over 100 guests were in attendance. This included Freemasons, their friends and families together with members of TEAM RISE. The event was well supported by Burnley and Pendle District Officers including the Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Northern area, WBro John R Farrington. The event raised a very respectable £800, to be split between the ELMC and TEAM RISE.
TEAM RISE had, during the summer, organised a fundraising Parachute jump and one Roses Lodge member, WBro Ivor Emo, took the unusual decision to throw himself out of a “perfectly serviceable aircraft” from a height of 12,000 feet, reaching a terminal velocity of about 120 MPH. This tremendous effort raised £600 for TEAM RISE
On Saturday 20thOctober 2018, TEAM RISE invited a delegation from Roses Lodge to attend their Open Day, which was a perfect opportunity to present them with their cheque from Roses Lodge for £400 and for Ivor Emo to present his cheque for £600.

  Behind the cheque, WBro Ivor Emo and Sharon Lees


From left to right, Bro’s Tahir Mahmood, Na’eem Khawaja and Sharon Lees

 TEAM RISE Coordinator, Sharon Lees, said – “TEAM RISE supports adults with learning disabilities; the disadvantaged and those who are lonely or socially isolated. Although based in Burnley, we work across Burnley, Hyndburn, Pendle, Ribble Valley and Rossendale, and provide over 1500 hours of support to 70 individuals and have provided guidance and support to more than 23 families in the past year. Without the support and generosity of Burnley and Pendle District Freemasons and in this instance Roses Lodge members specifically, we couldn’t assist as many “team members” as we do. We are so grateful for the continued support of the local Freemasons and we will put this money to very good use, supporting those who need our help”.
Report from John Wilkinson