The RW Provincial Grand Master presents TEAM RISE Co-ordinator, Sharon Lees with a cheque for £25,000 and a commemorative plaque

A group which helps young, socially-disadvantaged people to find work, has been awarded £25,000 in a community competition. T.E.A.M R.I.S.E. Project (TRP), a community interest company covering Burnley, Hyndburn, Pendle, Ribble Valley and Rossendale, were voted tops.
The group, which support adults with learning disabilities; the disadvantaged and those who are lonely or socially isolated; provided over 1500 hours of support to 70 individuals and provided guidance and support to more than 23 Families in the past year.
The RW Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier, who was accompanied by WBro John R Farrington, Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Northern Area with several Burnley and Pendle District Charity Stewards, presented the TEAM with a cheque at their Open Day and said Masons were happy to keep on continuing their legacy of helping their local communities. Local charity was what they were traditionally known for.

Burnley and Pendle District, Lodge Charity Stewards, Les Latcham, Ian Macdonald, Keith Jackson and Andrew Proctor, with Sharon Lees

Co-ordinator, Sharon Lees, said TEAM RISE stood for Together Everyone Achieves More Respecting Individual Skills and Experience, with 10 regular volunteers working five days a week. Sharon said the award would enable the group to provide more help for more people in more ways than ever before but, most of all, it would allow them to apply for charitable status. This would mean they could do even more with their money.

TEAM RISE Co-ordinator, Sharon Lees.

The Mayor of Burnley, Councillor Howard Baker, was also in attendance and presented certificates of achievement to TEAM RISE members.

The Mayor of Burnley, Councillor Howard Baker presents certificates of achievement to TEAM RISE member, David Vincent

Team rise members enjoy a wonderful occasion

TEAM RISE is run by experienced individuals and a group of dedicated volunteers with a huge amount of support from local company, VEDAS Recruitment and Training, who have been involved right from the outset and, said Sharon: “We wouldn’t have got to this point without them”.
For information on TEAM RISE, visit their website:
Author: John Wilkinson