On Friday 29th November 2013, the members of Senatores Chapter of Installed First Principals No 8966 meeting at Cleveleys in the Province of West Lancashire, had been looking forward to receiving members of the East Lancashire Royal Arch Presentation Team (ELRADT). They were down to be the star turn to deliver a presentation entitled ‘The Rise and Fall of the Twelve Tribes of Israel’. Little did they know until the last minute that this Chapter would also be hosting the investiture of their very own recently appointed Second Provincial Grand Principal and an Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals hence the attendance of the Grand Superintendent of the West Lancashire Province EComp Peter Hosker who is pictured below with Chapter Principals and the ELRAD Team.

EComp Peter Hosker Most Excellent Grand Superintendent in and over the Province of West Lancashire is pictured with the members of the East Lancashire Royal Arch Presentation Team before the convocation opened.
Pictured are: Front Row Left to Right: Kevin Hall, Keith Swettenham, Terry Bailey, 2nd Principal, MEGS, 1st Principal, 3rd Principal, Michael Williams, Mark Reader.
Back Row Left to Right: Roger Holland, Michael Porter, Chris Cunliffe, John Cavanagh, Norman Clarke, Dennis Heskett, Bob King, Alan Baxendale
After dealing with other Chapter business, the 1st Principal EComp Parkinson then announced that the second treat was to receive a presentation by the East Lancashire Royal Arch Presentation Team (ELRADT) entitled ‘The Rise and Fall of the Twelve Tribes of Israel’. He called upon EComp Norman Clarke PGStB, an AProvGP from East Lancashire and a Vice President of ELRADT, to introduce the team before handing over to EComp John Cavanagh, the Team Leader, who was the narrator for the evening. After a brief explanation, the Team then enthralled the Companions with their presentation which was delivered in a sincere but light hearted manner.
Following the presentation, which lasted around 30 minutes, the First Principal thanked the team for the skilful presentation. He said he had learned a few things he had not known and he was sure that the 102 other Companions present had as well. There followed spontaneous acclamation as the Companions showed their thanks to the Team for their wonderful presentation.
The Companions then assembled in the main dining room in Cleveleys Masonic Hall for the festive board which was enjoyed by all.

The Companions enjoy the festive board.
Following the normal toasts after the meal, the First Principal thanked the East Lancashire Royal Arch Presentation Team again for their magnificent presentation, saying that they undertook the work without payment and travelled within East Lancashire and other Provinces each year to deliver presentations in both Lodges and Chapters. The First Principal then thanked the two AProvGPs from West Lancashire – EComp’s Norman Clarke and David Thornton who had travelled to Cleveleys to support the team before presenting a cheque to EComp John Cavanagh for £100.
In his response EComp Cavanagh thanked the three Principals and all the Companions for their hospitality and the donation, which would go towards donations to their RMBI 2015 Festival made by the Chapter of Friendship No 44 of which many of the team are members. He went on to say “the team have greatly enjoyed their visit to Cleveleys particularly as the temple was full and was the largest audience the team have delivered their presentation to. We hope you enjoyed – we certainly did”
EComp Cavanagh concluded by saying that the team were giving another presentation at Cleveleys Park Lodge No 7540 on 14 March 2014 entitled ‘Crafty Companions’ which was even more amusing and hoped many would attend. He then thanked all the companions for their kind comments and acclamation.