Monday 14th November 2017 saw the Lodge of Merit No.934 host the Education and Development Demonstration Team who were present to explain the 1st Degree Ceremony. 
 The Lodge room was packed with members of the lodge and many visitors creating a fabulous atmosphere. It should be noted that a large number of Entered Apprentices, Fellow Craft and Master Masons were present, a great many indeed which was fantastic to see. Also present was WBro Norman Cope APGM on his last official visit as an APGM. 
 The demonstration team performed an enlightening and scintillating explanation of the 1st Degree after which they took questions from those present. The team are knowledgeable on their subject and answered all the questions with the panache you would expect from them. 
 As a side note, the Education and Development Team are currently in the process of developing an explanation of the 2nd Degree, which will be performed across the Provence in 2018, well worth attending. 
 Once the business of the evening had ended all retired to the social board. 

 The food, company and atmosphere were everything the evening deserved. Norman Cope gave a heart felt response to the toasts which was graciously received by all present. 
 It must be said at this point that Norman Cope has been the Assistant Provincial Grand Master of the Western Area of East Lancashire for 5 years and has performed his duties with dignity and honour. Bury District has been fortunate to have Norman Cope as our APGM and he will be greatly missed but not forgotten and we look forward to seeing him visit to the area in the not too distant future. 
 Lodge of Merit hosted a most excellent evening and clearly had put the work in to make the evening the success that it was. 
 Many thanks go to the members of the Lodge of Merit, the Education and Development Demonstration Team and to WBro Norman Cope PGSD, APGM. 

Report & Pictures by Leigh Rickett