The Investiture of
WBro Peter Graham Hewitt, PAGDC
Assistant Provincial Grand Master
RWBro Sir David Trippier, RD, JP, DL
Provincial Grand Master
Wednesday 27th January 2016
at the Masonic Hall Richard Street Rochdale

On the 27th January the WBro John A Harrop PProvJGD, Worshipful Master and Brethren of Roch Valley Lodge No. 5120 were delighted to host the Investiture of WBro Peter G. Hewitt as an Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Province of East Lancashire by the Provincial Grand Master RWBro Sir David Trippier.

After opening the Lodge in the First Degree, the Brethren were delighted to receive the Provincial Grand Master accompanied by a Provincial Deputation and it was a mark of the esteem and respect in which WBro Hewitt is held that his Investiture was supported by over 145 Masons from across the Province

WBro Harrop presented the gavel to the Provincial Grand Master who then conducted the Investiture and paid tribute to WBro Hewitt in a very warm and sincere ceremony.

The celebrations were continued at the Social Board where a hearty meal and an evening of fellowship were enjoyed by all.

WBro Arthur John Pearson PSGD, WBr Norman Cope PSGD,  VWBro Derek Nelson Thornhill JP PSSwdB,  WBro Peter Graham Hewitt PAGDC,  RWBRo Sir David Trippier RD JP DL PGM,   WBro Chad Anthony Northcott PSGD,  WBro John Christopher Welton  PJGD,   WBro John Richard Farrington PSGD.

RW PGMSir David Trippier, WBro Peter Hewitt the District Deputation and the Master and Brethren of  the Roch Valley Lodge.

The Social Board