On Wednesday, 10th February 2016, the RW Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier, visited Goulburn Menturia Lodge No 3478 to witness the Ceremony – Charge after Initiation.
The lodge was opened by Bro Martin Gee, Worshipful Master of the lodge, and after the lodge business, Sir David Trippier, accompanied by a Provincial Deputation entered the lodge and salutations were given. Bro Gee, offered the Gavel to the PGM who gladly accepted.
The charge after initiation was then delivered to Bro Chris Scales, a member of Kitchener Lodge No 3788, who was newly initiated in to Kitchener Lodge. The ceremony was led by junior members of the “Corner Stone Club” and each Brother delivered a part of the charge, creating a “Circle of Brotherhood”. Ten Brethren, including Bro Martin Gee, delivered the charge in a wonderful and meaningful manner and this was done in the presence of the Provincial Grand Master and the 90 Brethren attending the meeting. Bro Scales was given the charge in a way that other brothers would not have experienced and everyone who took part did an excellent job and delivered the charge with the highest standards.
The Provincial Grand Master was delighted to see the charge delivered in such a manner and congratulated all in the delivery and conduct and said that this was one of the hardest things he had to learn many years ago and understood the effort the brethren had made in order to put this together.
After the meeting was closed, followed the festive board. The dining room was full of brethren, having a wonderful time and enjoying the company of all present. There were lots of conversations and laughter and after the toasts were proposed, the Provincial Grand Master responded. Sir David amused everyone with jokes and stories and also congratulated everyone who had given such great support to raising funds for the East Lancashire Festival for the RMBI. He hoped now that we would all turn our attention to fully support our own Charity, the ELMC.
Everyone present had a fabulous evening and the support given to the PGM, Lodge and the brethren who took part in the ceremony was something that isn’t seen very often and it was amazing to see the masonic hall full with a friendly atmosphere