National Event

31st October 2017 : The UGLE celebration of 300 years will culminate with a special meeting of Grand Lodge to be held in the Royal Albert Hall on the afternoon of Tuesday 31 October 2017, followed by a dinner at the Battersea Evolution. The cost of the dinner is £135. Our Province has been allocated tickets for each event based on our membership numbers and you will appreciate, the numbers are limited. It is possible that some Provinces may not use their full allocation but for now, we must clearly plan for what we know we have.

The RW Provincial Grand Master is anxious that all our Brethren have an equal opportunity to obtain tickets for either event.
With this in mind, I now need to establish those Brethren who would like to attend these events.
To facilitate this process, if you are interested in attending either or both events, please complete the online form below. A draw will then take place and the Brethren notified. At that point we will need immediate payment for tickets so that this can be sent together with our numbers to London.


    I wish to be included in the ballot for tickets at the Royal Albert Hall. Please answer Yes or No

    I also wish to be included in the ballot for tickets for the dinner at the Battersea Evolution at a cost of £135.00 per person. Please answer Yes or No
