Mrs Hilda Ince seated centre front, Bro David Williams standing far left, Mrs Marjorie Williams standing 5th from right
This year the Salford Ladies Committee have year quietly been supporting various local charities in Salford. One of those that have received support is the ‘Salford Young Carers’ who wanted to produce a calendar for 2017, using pictures taken from a holiday for the carers in North Wales with the Jam Butty Club (This is supported by the Salford Foundation whom Salford Masons have supported recently).
Salford Young Carers supports young people who care for family members, and in the case of one young carer, not just one family member but three.
District Chairman, WBro Geoff Baillie, along with Mrs Hilda Ince, representing the Salford Ladies, went along to present a cheque to the Salford Young Carers to support the design and production of next year’s calendar. WBro Baillie stated that the children are so grounded and inspirational it was a pleasure to be in their company.
As well as supporting  the Salford Young Carers the Salford Ladies have also given donations to the Eve Appeal, ( and the Eye-Eye Friendly Group, a local group of partially sighted people who meet for social activities in Wardley, Salford, and who are assisted  by Bro David Williams and his wife, Marjorie.