Sixty-nine Brethren including the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for the Province of East Lancashire, Sir David Trippier, RD JP DL, accompanied by the Provincial Senior and Junior Warden, other Officers of the Year, Grand Officers and a host of visiting Brethren, signed the Tylers attendance register on Thursday 28thFebruary 2019, to celebrate the Centenary of the Consecration of Thursby Lodge, No. 3855.
The Worshipful Master, Bro Damien Clegg, opened the Lodge promptly at 7-00 pm and having efficiently dispatched the first two items of business a report was received and WBro Dr. Simon Archer, AGDC, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, was admitted and announced that the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for the Province of East Lancashire, Sir David Trippier, accompanied by a Provincial Delegation was without and demanded admission. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, and the accompanying delegation were admitted and the Worshipful Master offered The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master the gavel. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master said that it was always an honour and a privilege to be offered the Gavel of any Lodge and on this special occasion, he was pleased to receive it
Salutations were given to The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master who responded by thanking everyone present for their kind and generous salutations and saying it was a great privilege to be here to celebrate the Centenary of Thursby Lodge and that he was very pleased to see so many in attendance.
On the instruction of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies assisted in installing the Provincial Senior and Junior Wardens into their respective offices.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master then introduced the Provincial Delegation and the Grand Officers in attendance, to the acclaim of the Brethren present.
WBro Colin Berry, the Chaplain of the Lodge then presented a concise, informative and fact-filled history of the Lodge. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master thanked WBro Berry for the presentation saying it is not only the amount of research that made it most interesting, but also the manner in which it was presented.
The Acting Provincial Grand Secretary, WBro Kevin Horne, PAGDC, then read the Centenary warrant. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master then asked that the Centenary warrant be placed on the floor of the Lodge.
The Acting Provincial Grand Chaplain, WBro Russell Conn, PProvAGChap, gave an Oration which touched on the subjects of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, Mozart, Handel, Royal Arch Scripture, the Promenade concerts and the National Anthem. “Music sooths the Heart”.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master thanked WBro Conn for his Oration saying, “there’s no other organisation that sings the National Anthem and toasts the Queen more than Freemasonry”.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master then presented the Centenary warrant to the Worshipful Master of the Lodge, Bro Damien Clegg, and the addressed the Lodge and invited the Brethren of Thursby Lodge to display their Centenary Jewels.

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, the Master of Thursby Lodge and the Assistant Provincial Grand master for the Northern Area,
WBro Alan Kirwilliam
The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies announced that the Worshipful Master of Thursby Lodge had a pleasant duty to perform. Bro Damien Clegg then presented a cheque for £2000, to be given to the East Lancashire Masonic Charity, to the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master who thanked the Lodge for their most generous donation.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master then announced that the next item of business was a “surprise” and that it was not unusual for a member of a Lodge to be given a promotion at such an occasion as this. He went on to say that WBro Squire Lavin, PProvSGD, the Lodge Director of Ceremonies had given years of loyal service to the Lodge and to the Masonic Hall in general even after a serious illness. He then announced that WBro Lavin would be promoted to Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works. WBro Lavin was escorted to the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master who invested him with the collar of his new rank. A visibly shocked WBro Lavin was the paraded round the Lodge to the loud acclaim of the Brethren present.
Following the Alms collection, a retiral procession was formed and with WBro Lavin accompanying the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, the Provincial Delegation and the Grand Officers retired, again to the acclaim of all present.
The remainder of the business being concluded the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony.

The members of Thursby Lodge with the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master
John Wilkinson