Victory Lodge No. 3932 was so named in 1919 after the British Victory of WW1.
As part of the events for the centenary year, Victory Lodge Brethren, friends and wives travelled to the Battlefields and war graves from World War One, visiting among others, the Accrington Pals Memorial, Tyne Cot and the Menin Gate where wreaths were laid by WBro Philip Beaumont of Victory Lodge No. 3932 and WBro Tom Pearson of Albert Edward Lodge No. 1519.
One of the members of the group was WBro Bob Lowe of Fidelity and Crusaders Lodge No. 269, for the first time he was able to find and lay a wreath at his grandfathers grave in the town of Merville.
The first night was spent in Canterbury and the following 3 nights in Ypres with full days out to The Ypres Salient and then to the Somme which included a halt in Peronne which is  Blackburns twin town, this was then followed by a splendid picnic in the sunshine.

Article and Images: Brethren of Victory Lodge No. 3932