WBro’s Ian McDonald, Burnley and District Charity Steward, and Keith Jackson “ready for action”.

At this year’s Vintage Car show at Towneley Hall Burnley the new Provincial Trailer was on show for the first time in the Burnley and Pendle District. We were situated next to Pendleside Hospice car, which is being raffled off later this year.  The District Charity Stewards have helped by being one of the main sponsors of the car this year and helped them sell the raffle tickets on the day.

WBro Walter Coupe and Bro Darren Haigh Help to sell tickets for the Hospice Car Raffle.

Over the day we had quite a few visitors with two very good potential new members and a few people taking the leaflets and CD’s on Freemasonry. Thanks must go to all the Brethren who turned up to help man the trailer, thanks to WBro Keith Jackson of Whitford Caravans who towed the trailer there and helped set it up.