WBro Albert Taylor PProvGSuptWks celebrates 60 years in Freemasonry on the 28th September. Albert Edward Lodge No 1519 celebrated a third anniversary in Freemasonry meeting in 2017, on this occasion the celebrant was WBro Albert Taylor PProvGSuptWks. The Lodge was opened and the business transacted before the Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies WBro Andrew Taylor as ProvDepGDC led a Provincial Deputation headed by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master VWBro Derek Nelson Thornhill JP, PGSwdB and including the Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro John Richard Farrington PSGD and numerous Grand Officers.
VWBro Thornhill was delighted to accept the gavel and took the Master’s Chair. After introducing the Deputation, WBro Thornhill asked that WBro Taylor be placed in the Centre of the Lodge and introduced WBro Norman Burdekin PProvDepGSuptWks who gave a tribute on behalf of the lodge. He spoke about his personal relationship with Albert which had spanned almost 50 of the 60 years that were being celebrated this evening. He went on to highlight some of Gordon’s achievements in Freemasonry including the hard work he put in practically in the renovation of Mill House in the 1960’s.
At this point VWBro Thornhill highlighted some of the world events happening in 1957. He invited the Brethren present to attempt to answer some trivia related to these events which the Brethren did with some success. During the section relating to music, VWBro Thornhill encouraged the Brethren to sing the answers, which, to the delight of all present, they did! He referred to this section of the evening as a cross between Mastermind and the X-factor.
VWBro Thornhill then proceeded to present WBro Taylor with his Illuminated Certificate and personal letter of congratulations from the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master RWBro Sir David Trippier. The certificate was read to WBro Taylor, following which he perambulated the Lodge to the acclamation of all present.
The District Chairman, WBro David Lightbown PAGDC then presented Albert with his 60th anniversary lapel badge which he hoped he would wear with pride at all subsequent Masonic events.
Following a collection, the Deputation retired from the Lodge and the business concluded before the Brethren retired to the festive board.
The festive board was a lovely occasion!
In his toast WBro David Anderson PProvSGW once again paid tribute to the Masonic career of WBro Taylor and included some interesting tales from when he was a junior Brother. In his response, Albert expressed his delight at what has been a fantastic evening; one that he will remember for a long time. He thanked everyone for attending and thanked the Brethren for making this evening such a special occasion for him.
A wonderful evening and an excellent tribute to a Freemason who has given so much to Freemasonry over the last sixty years.