On 5thApril 2018, WBro Chris Welton, Assistant Provincial Grand Master for The Manchester Districts, and a District Delegation enjoyed a fabulous evening with their hosts, Albatross Lodge No 6164, at Manchester Hall.
Once the lodge had been duly opened, their Worshipful Master, WBro Wg Cdr Derek Bryant, offered the gavel to WBro Welton.  On this occasion, he declined his kind offer but went on to introduce his District Delegation.  This included WBro Mark Davis, Provincial Almoner; WBro Chris Wildman, Deputy Chairman of City Sykes District; WBro Paul O’Carroll, Deputy Chairman of City Derby District; WBro Richard Zoltie, District Communications Officer; WBro Philip Goldwater and WBro Jonathon Basger, both Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies; WBro Craig Wood and WBro Chris Armstrong, both Provincial Grand Stewards; and WBro Roy Chapman, City Sykes District Mentor.  The Brethren then greeted the delegation with rapturous applause.
WBro Bryant was then replaced in the Chair of King Solomon by WBro Jim Hilton, who proceeded to conduct a demonstration of a Second Degree Ceremony.  The candidate for this evenings demonstration was WBro David Christopher, a visitor to this lodge.  The ceremony was conducted superbly by WBro Hilton and then the Working Tools of the Degree were explained perfectly by WBro Mike Whittaker.
Once the lodge had closed, WBro Welton and his District Delegation enjoyed a memorable Social Board with the members of the Albatross Lodge and their guests.
Article By Chris Armstrong