What an evening! What a celebration of Freemasonry! What an amazing, heart felt tribute to WBro Jack Huddart PJGD.
As part of this report I could list all of Jack’s achievements, all his acts on behalf of the Province,Hewlett court, the district and Bury Masonic Hall but I fear to do so would cause this website to crash. I shall include just a few highlights.
The evening was just splendid. Presiding over the celebration was the western area APGM, WBro Norman Cope PSGD, accompanied by EComp David Thornton APGP and a delegation of eight Grand Lodge Officers the likes of which is normally only found in London. Amongst those eight were two PastAPGM’s in the form of WBro Phillip Mountford PSGD and WBro Mike Gibbons PJGD. The delegation was completed by a plethora of district and acting officers.

More importantly the lodge room was full of Masons from newly initiated brethren to the afore mentioned most of whom, if not all, having been positively effected by Jack Huddart during their Masonic careers.
The minutes from Jack’s Initiation on Wednesday 16th February 1966 at the Griffin Hotel in Salford, were read by Jack’s Grandson, WBro Grant Gurnsey.
This was followed by a most heart felt tribute read by WBro Stuart Cass PProvJGW who has known Jack for far many years than he’d wish to admit.
WBro Norman Cope presented Jack with his certificate and a letter from Sir David Trippier having conducted the business of the evening with a flare deserved by such an occasion.

We almost all know Jack Huddart but for the very few who don’t please allow me to enlighten you a little.
Since 1966 Jack has been a member of no less than five lodges and four Chapters, being PGStB in the Royal Arch. Jack has performed the following roles with such gusto as reflects this evening;
Jack’s staggering record shows, four times Worshipful Master; four times Lodge Mentor; three times Treasurer; twice RA Representative; twice ScribeE; a First Principal; an ADC and he was the first Provincial Grand Almoner. He was the District Secretary, Deputy Chairman and Chairman. He has been a founding member of two lodges and has served Bury Masonic Hall in every role possible from screwing in a light bulb to being president of the hall. In addition he has been Treasurer, Vice Chairman and Committee Deputy Chairman of Hewlett court.
Any member of Bury Masonic Hall and the association will tell you that it is no exaggeration to say Jack turned the hall from a dark, dank hall into the bright, thriving Masonic splendour that it is today. Not only laying the foundations for this change but physically rebuilding the hall.
I could go on for pages regarding his achievements and his contributions to so many of us but to sum up his great achievements I will say just this: The dining hall at the Bury Masonic Hall is called ‘The Jack Huddart Suite’…… Says it all.

At the social board the toast was given by Jack’s son, WBro Keith Huddart, himself a Grand Officer of the Royal Arch. It was an emotional and fitting tribute to his Father.
Jack was presented with crystal, cake and most importantly flowers, for it has to be said that without Jack’s wife we would all be worse off.

In the build up to his 50th Jack said he did not want a fuss making. Sorry Jack, but we all wanted to be there, we all wanted to stand a salute you and we all wanted to celebrate a Mason who embodies the very spirit of Masonry and all that is good about our institution.