On Wednesday 4th October WBro Keith W Clayton celebrated his 50 years in Freemasonry at Trinity Lodge No 5651
Trinity Lodge is a lunchtime Lodge that meets at Audenshaw, which Keith joined after his mother Lodge Jubilee 8803 closed some years ago
After the Lodge was opened by WBro Norman Clarke, Worshipful Master, the Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro Philip Collier ProvDepDC, was admitted who announced that the APGM, WBro A John Pearson, PSGD, together with a District Delegation, were without. The delegation were duly admitted and WBro Pearson  was invited to accept the gavel of the lodge which he accepted on this special occasion.  WBro Clayton was then placed in the centre of the Lodge to receive an address from WBro  Pearson which included information on Keith’s career and some fond memories from 1967, which was much appreciated by all present
Keith was then presented with his letter from our Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier, along with his “50” year certificate and WBro Clayton was then paraded around the Lodge to much acclaim from members and guests after which he was presented with his lapel badge

The social board went very well and in his response WBro Clayton thanked WBro A John Pearson APGM for his time, kind words and assistance on this special occasion
A wonderful afternoon was enjoyed all present.