The meeting of The Lodge of Remembrance No. 3787 on the 24th March at Adelaide Street Accrington, to celebrate the 50th anniversary in Freemasonry of WBro Roy Green PProvGStdB was a unique occasion and quite different from previous celebrations. This was not the plan, but Roy and his son Darren fell foul of the M62 motorway as they made their way to the meeting from Lincolnshire. Their late arrival meant that the lodge business had to be conducted without an in Lodge celebration, and the decision was made to honour WBro Green at the festive board. WBro Green agreed that this was the best option rather than rearranging the celebration.
Following the meeting the Lodge brethren, their visitors and a District Delegation numbering eighteen, made their way to the festive board. The brethren enjoyed a wonderful meal and following the usual toasts it was time for the main event of the night, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of WBro Roy Green PProvGStdB.
This began with a tribute to Roy from WBro Peter Hargreaves PAGDC the Lodge Secretary. In his speech he spoke about Roy’s long and illustrious career in the police force, and how his family have had a long association with the Lodge. He also explained how this meeting nearly didn’t take place as due to work commitments in the 1970’s, Roy was close to tending his resignation as he felt he couldn’t give his best to the Lodge. After some deliberation he changed his mind and was soon to occupy the Master’s Chair. WBro Hargreaves went on to explain that fate intervened in Roy and his wife Barbara’s lives when they took over the running of an Inn in Shropshire that had been run by members of the family for over 70 years.
Following WBro Hargreaves’ tribute, WBro John Farrington APGM presented Roy with his illuminated certificate and personal letter from the Provincial Grand Master RWBro Sir David Trippier. WBro Farrington was delighted to read the letter for the benefit of the assembled brethren. WBro David Lightbown PAGDC District Chairman was then pleased to present Roy with his lapel badge marking 50 years in Freemasonry.
The Lodge brethren then presented WBro Green with a most magnificent cake to mark this auspicious occasion.
The final act of the evening was to toast WBro Green, and this was done by his son Bro Darren Green of The Lord Worsley Lodge No. 3017 in Cleethorpes. He spoke fondly about his father and how they have both enjoyed their Freemasonry even though they have in the main, been in Lodges in different parts of the country. Darren also recounted amusing anecdotes about his father’s career in the police force. A very heartfelt and personal tribute which was very much appreciated by Roy who responded to the toast in the same passionate manner.
Whilst this meeting and festive board may have been a little unorthodox, nothing was taken away from the importance of celebrating such a wonderful event. We congratulate WBro Green on his landmark, and the Lodge look forward to seeing him again in Accrington in the near future.