Friday 26th February saw Excelsior Lodge, No. 4641, have a visit from APGM, WBro Chad Northcott, PSGD, members of the District team and acting Officers of the Province, to listen to a lecture on the ‘Archers of Agincourt’, not to be confused with The Archers on Radio Four.  Accompanied by the Chairman and Deputy of the Salford District, WBro Geoffrey N Baillie, PProvJGW and WBro Peter Hegarty, PProvDepGDC, the Hall Chairman, WBro Ken Olive, and other members of the District team, the assembled members of the Lodge and visitors listened to the presentation by Bro Peter Jones.

There followed a very informative and enlightening presentation on what really happened on the 25th October 1415, when Henry V led the mainly Welsh army to defeat the superior numbers  of the Frenchmen. Bro Jones had also brought replica weapons with him to show the assembled brethren what the French had to contend with and nobody was going to disagree with him on this occasion.
After the conclusion of the presentation The Worshipful Master, WBro Paul Newton, thanked Bro Jones for the excellent presentation and made a presentation to WBro Northcott who stated that he would open his gift later.

Later at the Festive board it was revealed that Wales had beaten France in the Six Nations that night in Cardiff much to the pleasure of Bro Jones.

During the evening Hall Chairman, WBro Ken Olive, invited all the staff into the dining room to celebrate a special occasion that had almost slipped past unnoticed. For many who have been to Hemsley House, there has been a constant in the building for twenty-five years and that is Christine, who currently works behind the bar, but when she started at Hemsley House, twenty five years ago, she was employed as a waitress.

WBro Chad Northcott with his gift from the members of Excelsior Lodge

As a thank you for the many years of service, WBro Ken Olive, Hall Chairman, presented Christine with a bouquet of flowers.