The Picture shows WBro John Ashworth , Tinna Quinn (Vice Chair Blossom Appeal) receiving a cheque from Patricia Hooson.

On Christmas Eve, 2013 Patricia was diagnosed with breast cancer and as you can imagine this was news that had a major impact on us, the family and our friends. During the period from that date and up until November 2015 we spent many hours together as Patricia under went surgeries, chemotherapy, radiology and many visits to see her specialists. During this time we received much support from breast care charities, Liberty Lodge 5573 brethren, their ladies and ladies of the brethren from other Lodges within Rochdale Masonic Buildings. This support made a world of difference to both of us and we decided that at the first opportunity we would try and give something back to help others who would face the same difficulties now and in the future. We decided to hold a summer event for the Lodge on August 21st.2016 in the form of a Garden Party. The WM John Ashworth and the brethren decided that all monies were to be given to the Blossom Appeal, a small charity which covers North Manchester and Oldham Hospitals. These were the hospitals which treated Patricia and whose expertise, care and support were unmeasurable.

The garden was prepared during the spring and the plants, flowers and infrastructure were carefully monitored and developed so as to be just right for our guests. Members of the Lodge came and erected the marquees in appalling weather. The day before the event, the big marquee was located near the top of some very large trees in next door’s garden whilst the smaller one was trying to break in through the front door. Again the A team arrived at a moment’s notice and everything was repaired and put back in its proper place. Whilst this was going on the ladies were cooking and preparing the house for visitors the day after.
On the Sunday we had more rain until about 12:00pm, only two hours to go before 90 people were to arrive. At 1:50pm the clouds parted and we had glorious sunshine until 6 pm when the last of the guests departed. Right on cue the rain started once again and lasted for another twenty four hours.
On the day £1600 was raised with donations over the following week adding another £170. The Lodge at their following management meeting made up the total to £2000.
Patricia presented the cheque to Tinna Quinn, vice chair of the appeal, at the Lodges Social board at the October meeting. This event was a giving night and so ladies and guests were treated to a buffet followed afterwards by an informative talk by the Charity’s representative.
Our grateful thanks go out to all for your kindness,support and help in allowing us to give something back, that something will make such a difference to other patients yet to be diagnosed.

Kevin and Patricia Hooson
Liberty Lodge 5573