Above is the group photograph of those who attended. On the front row (left to right) are WBro Brian Daber ( SW), WBro John Griffin (APGM), WBro Gordon Neale (IG ), WBro David Ashworth (WM), WBro Jack Ball (ADC & Acting JW) . Keeping a watchful eye on the proceedings (second row behind WBro Neale) is WBro Steve Barton (District Chairman). The photographs were taken by WBro Geoffrey Guy (Lodge Treasurer) which is his excuse for never being in a photograph.
May 2019 saw a double celebration for WBro Gordon Neale, PProvGSwdB, of the Duke of Lancaster Lodge No 4207 . Not only did the month of May 2019 mark WBro Neale’s 50 years as a Mason and a Member of the Duke of Lancaster Lodge which was reason enough to celebrate. It was also Gordons 90th Birthday and a special Lodge Meeting was convened to commemorate the occasion on the 1st May 2019.
WBro John Griffin attended as the representative of Sir David Trippier, Provincial Grand Master, along with a Provincial Delegation led by WBro John Curry ProvDGDC and also attended by WBro Steve Barton, District Chairman. WBro Griffin officially congratulated WBro Neale and gave a short resume of WBro Neale’s Masonic and non Masonic career. Of particular note was the fact that not only is WBro Neale an active Provincial Officer for East Lancashire Province, but he has also been an active Provincial Officer of the Province of Derbyshire for about 30 years. To mark Gordon’s special day he presented WBro John Griffin with a large personal cheque for the ELMC for which WBro Griffin thanked Gordon on behalf of the charity.
Following an excellent Social Board meal, plus the many toasts, both official and others, along with a great deal of good humour, WBro Gordon Neale was presented with a gift from the Members of the Duke of Lancaster Lodge. Duke of Lancaster Social Boards are always good humoured and fun.
Being a day time lodge the Duke of Lancaster Lodge 4207 meets at Ashday Lea Masonic Hall, Rawtenstall, at 11am on the First Wednesday of the months Oct/Nov/Dec/Feb/March/April . Contact David Russell
01706873663 totchy.redrose@uwclub.net for details.
Report & Photographs were by Geoffrey H. T. Guy