On Bank Holiday Monday 28th May, several volunteers representing each of the five Masonic halls in East Ribble District gave their time and braved the hot sunny weather to deliver the Provincial trailer to the Great Harwood Agricultural Show, set up and man an impressive Masonic display.
The screens in the trailer showed a mix of images from many of the past volunteering events whilst the gazebo hosted free children’s face painting in the Masters chair, with many varied examples of Masonic regalia on display. The face painting and free balloons went down a treat with the kids and the display generated interest from their parents.
A great day was had by all the volunteers and some genuine interest in Freemasonry generated. We hope to see one or two at the next White Table event in October. Record numbers of show goers not only enjoyed the Masonic display but also a falconry display, police dog handling, ponies, goats, a car show and many craft stalls and competitions.
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped to make this event a success.

Article and images: East Ribble District Team