Bro David Jones was installed as the new Master of Richmond lodge 1011. The installation ceremony took place at Middleton Masonic Hall on the 16th of June 2015.

This was the first time in 8 yrs. that a new Master  had been Installed into the chair of king Solomon, and to make the evening even more memorable,  he appointed  myself  (Bro Philip Howarth) as his Senior Warden and Bro Carl Robinson as his Junior Warden. Both of us are new to the posts and were also originally proposed by Bro Jones as Candidates into Richmond lodge.

Bro David Jones and WBro Phillip Price PAGDC

The Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was WBro Phillip Price PAGDC, and the meeting was conducted by the Worshipful Master, WBro L. Hamer PProvGSuptWks. The evening was further supported by members of their daughter Lodge, Arthur Sullivan Lodge, Imperial George Lodge and a good number of members of the District Committee.

WBro Phillip Price PAGDC gave his respects from the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, and stated that he always looked forward to coming to Richmond and was pleased to see the numbers have grown since his last visit.
The ceremony was very well presented by all concerned including the Address to the Senior Warden given by W.Bro D. Moorhouse PProvJGD and Address to the Junior Warden given by W.Bro. P. Jones. We also had W.Bro Barry Sugden PPrGOr as organist for the evening, which gave that added quality that is missed so often when there is no music in the Lodge.
The evening was a great success and a privilege to be part of; albeit Carl and I had to leave the Lodge for a short while during the Board of Installed Masters. The ceremony was followed by a lively festive board to celebrate the occasion, where stories of David’s childhood were recounted by WBro David Halford PAGChap   who was his teacher when he was 7.
The Worshipful Master commented that, “of all the Grand and Provincial Officers that could have been present, he was most looking forward to his old teacher being in attendance.  My Installation Ceremony and dinner following have been unforgettable and I intend to continue the good work of the Masters before me.” Bro Jones continued “ I have two main objectives as Master. Firstly promoting and increasing our charitable fund. It’s an area very close to my heart. I have been actively fund raising for different charities for over thirty years. Secondly, to make all the Past Masters and members of Richmond Lodge 1011 proud of me and to try to fill the enormous footsteps of W. Bro L. Hamer who has been a great inspiration and great mentor whilst progressing through the ranks?”
Report courtesy of  Bro Philip Howarth