WBro Bernard R Grime with WBro Farrington, visitors and the Provincial and District delegations

Over 50 Brethren, including WBro John R. Farrington, PSGD, The Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Northern Area of the Province of East Lancashire, accompanied by Grand Officers, Provincial Officers of the year and a District Delegation, signed the Tylers attendance register of Calder Lodge 4564 on Wednesday 22nd November 2017, to celebrate the 50th Anniversary in Freemasonry of WBro. Bernard R Grime, PProvGSwdB
The Worshipful Master of Calder Lodge, Bro Christopher W Swindells, opened the Lodge and after concluding the preliminary business of the Lodge, received a report. The ProvAGDC, WBro Andrew Taylor, was admitted and announced that WBro John R. Farrington PSGD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Northern area of the Province of East Lancashire, was without and that he demanded admission.
WBro Farrington was welcomed into the Lodge and was offered the Gavel by the Worshipful Master. WBro Farrington replied saying it was always a great honour and a privilege to be offered the Gavel of a Lodge and that on this special occasion; he was pleased to accept it.
WBro Farrington, was then saluted in due form. WBro Farrington thanked the Brethren for their Salutations and said he was delighted to see so many Brethren in attendance and that he was looking forward to this special evening. Remarking that he was indeed fortunate to be able to attend such occasions especially so on this occasion as he had known WBro Grime personally for many years. Addressing WBro Grime, WBro Farrington made reference to the number in the District and Provincial delegation stating that it showed the respect they have for these occasions and that WBro Grime should appreciate “they are all here to support you”.
After introducing the Provincial and District Delegation, WBro Farrington announced that the main business of the evening was to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of WBro. Bernard R Grime, PProvGSwdB. WBro Grime was then placed in the centre of the Lodge by the Provincial Deputy DC.
WBro Farrington first offered WBro Grime the very best wishes of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier, those of the Provincial Delegation, the Officers of the year, Grand Officers and all the Brethren present.
The Lodge Secretary, WBro Ian Allison, PProvSGD, informed the assembled Brethren that WBro Grime was initiated into Calder Lodge 4564 on the 15th November 1967 and proceeded to read extracts of the minutes of the meeting held on that date and the minutes of the meeting held on the 29th October 1981 when WBro Grime was installed as Worshipful Master of the Lodge
Following the reading of those minutes, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master announced that as WBro Grime had been a School Master who, on occasions tested his pupils’ knowledge at short notice; and that it was now time to test his knowledge of news and events from 1967, in the form of a quiz! It was no surprise to anyone present that WBro Grime scored a perfect ten out of ten.
WBro Farrington then informed the Brethren present of the service WBro Grime had given to his Lodge and Province in many offices over the last 50 years. Including ten years as Charity Steward, ten years as Chaplain and seven years as Secretary. In the Province WBro Grime has served as Provincial Grand Steward, Provincial Senior Grand Deacon and was promoted to Past Provincial Superintendent of Works and then to Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer
In the Royal Arch EComp Grime had served as Director of Ceremonies of red Rose of Lancaster Chapter 1504 for thirteen years and had served as Provincial Grand Steward and attained the rank of Past Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah, Truly great service to his Lodge, his District and his Province.
WBro Farrington then read the personal letter and certificate from the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master and presented the Certificate and personal letter to WBro Grime who was then escorted around the Lodge by the Provincial ADC to the acclaim of the Brethren. To conclude the formal proceedings a 50 year lapel badge, to be worn with pride, was presented by the District Chairman, WBro Paul Thornton.

WBro Grime receives his certificate from WBro Farrington alongside the Worshipful Master, Bro Christopher Swindells.

Following the Alms collection, WBro Farrington thanked all that had been involved in the evenings celebration.
The Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies then asked if WBro Farrington wished to retire accompanied by the Grand Officers and District delegations and on this occasion WBro Grime. WBro Farrington having given his assent, a retiral procession was formed and the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, accompanied by WBro Grime and the Delegations retired to the acclaim of the Brethren.

WBro Grime with WBro Farrington, the Worshipful Master and Brethren of Calder Lodge.

The Social Board was a happy and convivial affair with everyone present obviously enjoying the atmosphere and the fellowship. WBro Grime gave a heartfelt and eloquent response to the toast to his health. He had thoroughly enjoyed the occasion and he commented that it was one that he would remember for many years to come. He thanked all who had contributed to making the evening so special for him.
Report by John Wilkinson