WBro Gordon Craig PProvJGD with the District Deputation

On the evening of 10th March the Brethren and visitors of The Lodge of Harmony and Industry No. 381assembled at Darwen Masonic Hall to celebrate 50 years in Freemasonry of WBro Gordon Craig PProvJGD.
Once the Lodge had been opened in due form and the business conducted by the Worshipful Master, WBro Simon Archer ProvDepGDC was admitted on a report to announce the APGM was without, accompanied by a district delegation and he demanded admission. WBro Farrington entered, preceded by the delegation and was offered the gavel and on this occasion was delighted to accepted it. He occupied the WM chair and introduced the delegation. He then asked the WBro Archer to seat Gordon in the centre of the lodge.

The APGM asked the secretary to read the minutes of the meeting 50 years ago when WBro Craig was initiated. He then called upon WBro Christopher Allen to deliver the tribute. WBro Allen mentioned that Gordon was born on 10th April 1943 and attended Suddell Road Secondary School where he became Head Boy. At 15 he began his working career as an apprentice at Foster Yates and Thorn, then worked at the R.O.F in Blackburn and Hawker Siddley at Lostock Hall. He married his wife Elaine in 1965, their son Martin was born in 1970 followed by their daughter Emma in 1972. They have two Grandchildren. Gordon was introduced to Masonry by his Father in Law and was initiated into Harmony and Industry Lodge No. 381 in March 1966. He worked through every office and was Installed as Master in 1978. He has been an active member of the Lodge serving as Festival Rep, and conducting many Lodge Ceremonies. Gordon also enjoyed playing cricket for Darwen and has supported Blackburn Rovers for 60 years!

The APGM then read out the events from 50 years ago which included such facts as Harold Wilson becoming PM, 500,000 US troops were currently in Vietnam, the terrible Aberfan disaster occurred, the average house price was £3840, the first British Credit Card was introduced by Barclaycard, petrol cost 5 shillings (26p), the Harrier Jump Jet first flew, the Severn Bridge was opened, and of course England beat West Germany in the World Cup of that year.

WBro Farrington then read out the letter of congratulations from Sir David Trippier PGM and the personalized illumination certificate, and then formally presented them. WBro Craig was perambulated around the lodge to the applause of the Brethren.

WBro David Lightbown PAGDC District Chairman, then presented Gordon with his lapel badge recognizing his 50 years in Masonry. WBro Archer enquired whether WBro Farrington wished to retire from the Lodge with his Delegation, and on this occasion WBro Craig. The APGM and delegation then retired.

The Lodge was closed and the Brethren retired to an excellent festive board.
In toasting WBro Craig, WBro Gordon Hebden PProvDepGSuptWks paid a very moving personal tribute.
This was another wonderful evening of Freemasonry at the Lodge of Harmony and Industry No 381 and everyone is looking forward to returning in 10 years to celebrate WBro Craig’s 60th anniversary!


The Brethren of Harmony and Industry Lodge No. 381


Four Brethren of the Lodge have celebrated 50 years in Freemasonry.
WBro’s Alan Hull PProvGSwdB, Gordon Hebden PProvDepGSuptWks, Gordon Craig PProvJGD and David Gamble PProvAGDC


Taking wine with WBro Farrington APGM